Pronucniamiento de organizaciones sindicales de los Estados Unidos

Por este conducto les enviamos un fraternal saludo. Este documento es un pronuciamiento de organizaciones sindicales de los Estados Unidos a favor de la lucha del Sindicato Mexicano de Electricistas, que condena la politca antisindical del gobierno de Felipe Calderon y rechazan cualquier intento de reprimir al movimiento electiricista. Para el uso que se concidere necesario para quienes desde su trinchera deseen difundir, sumarse o pronunciarse por su cuenta en apoyo a los electricistas del SME. Saludos

Atte. Jose Humberto Montes de OCa Secretario del Interior y Pipino Cuevas Velazquez Secretario de Fomento a la Salud.

We have been informed by leaders of the Sindicato Mexicano de Electristas of the illegal and immoral military occupation achieved through the violent expulsion of SME members from their workplaces on October 10, 2009 and the mass firing of 44,000 members of SME.

We have heard the official version which after examination reveals a campaign of lies, deceit, trickery, and impunity of irresponsible government officials. We know the facts; we won’t fall for the lies.

We are outraged to hear of the military’s removal and destruction of electrical equipment in the transparent effort to demoralize our sister and brother unionists to relinquish their rights and accept the reality of the extermination of their union.

They won’t let it happen, and we won’t either.

We have been informed of SME’s proposal to end the dispute peacefully through negotiations with a reasonable proposal easily accomplished. This morning we were stunned to hear of the threat to the liberty and well being of the leadership of this great union for the crime of defending their members.

As unionists, we are shocked that a nation which proclaims it’s commitment to universal principals founded on human rights, labor rights, and modernity would resort to such barbarism.

We support SME’s demands to (1) immediately reinstate fired workers to their jobs (2) removal of all police personnel from all Luz y Fuerza facilities and workplaces (3) to abide by and recognize the collective bargaining agreement agreed to by Luz y Fuerza and cessation of all repression against the SME and their leaders as a necessary prerequisite to good faith negotiations.

We request your office immediately assure the union that the liberty and well being of their leadership will be respected and the appropriate government officials enter into good faith negotiations to resolve the dispute and return to the norms of civilized nations.


Bill Camp, Executive Secretary, Sacramento Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO

Lisa Maldonado, Executive Director, North Bay Labor Council, AFL-CIO
